Is life worthless and meaningless without gods?

There’s this fallacy that’s flooding social media and it’s the assertion that if you’re an atheist and you accept naturalism over creation then your life is without purpose, meaning and you’re essentially worthless. They have this ridiculous notion that we are all created for a purpose. I’m yet to figure out what this purpose is other than being blind slaves to an idol figure because they’re convinced that they’ll spend eternity with them. How is this any more a purpose than an atheist who’s convinced life came about naturally (who’s cause is unknown), but we are here so let’s make the most of it whilst we still have air in our lungs?

Atheists accept that this is the only life we have and to get through it happily then you have to appeal to the greater good through virtue. Using empathy, compassion and reason embraces the intrinsic value that a heartbeat gives to a life, and these emotions are what makes us human. These emotions weren’t given to us by a god; more-so evolution and living within societies. Atheists don’t need to think their life has value as their friends and family value them so they don’t need an imaginary father figure who they value more than their own children.

It makes no sense whatsoever to live this life in preparation for the next life when that is built purely on faith and assumptions because it’s what they want as opposed to the likelihood that this is their one and only chance and they are scared of that. They’re prepared to be wrong because they’re that brainwashed into thinking they’ll one day meet their maker.

Humans are self-aware and we have the luxury of imagination with science and technology progressing so far over the last hundred years it makes the idea of organised religion seem so archaic and out of date with the modern world, yet Islam is growing so fast it really makes you consider how easily convinced humans can still be over mythology in 2022. It’s extremely worrying.

Is plant-based and cruelty-free the future?

I’ve been a vegetarian for a number of years; not for the first time as I’ve always crumbled and my will-power has failed me. This time though I’m in for the long-haul and I’ve gone one step further – veganism… I can’t claim to be liberal and an advocate of equality if it’s limited to just one of the millions of species of life on the planet. If I’m to advocate cruelty free, then that must surely extend to the rest of the animal kingdom?

One of the most annoying questions I get asked if I have to announce that I have a plant-based diet is ‘what do you eat?’ This is a question from pure ignorance as if one is to use their imagination they’ll realise that a plant-based diet requires you to sometimes leave your comfort zone and try food that you wouldn’t have previously considered, and as someone who’s not particularly food motivated this has been an important journey of experimental cuisine for me.

“Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment.” – Vegan Society

Continue reading 

There was a time… (quick rant)

There was a time when humans were quite without knowledge of the universe. They didn’t know that the stars were perhaps the Sun of their very own solar system, or that the Earth was an oblate spheroid in a heliocentric system that orbits a nuclear fusion fuelled star that’s 93,000,000 miles away. We know what the speed of light is in a vacuum, and that known galaxies are as far as 13,000,0000,000 light years away. We are but a mere speck of dust in an ever-expanding Universe, and we literally have no concept of what could possibly be out there…

But humanity needed to feel special.

They needed to think that their place in our incomprehensibly vast Universe is unique, and invented gods to encourage the uneducated, naive and gullible common folk that their pointless lives had purpose if they submitted to the will of the *insert preferred creator/deity* and obeyed their every command; that’s usually given through a middle-man like Moses, or Muhammad.

To some extent I can understand their ignorance and nativity as humanity wasn’t ready to examine the Universe, so religion took a hold and offered an explanation for the reason for our existence, yet at the same time the people that wrote Holy scripture didn’t know why the Sun disappeared at night. Years later some religions still claimed that we were in a geocentric system and everything rotated around us because god the creator put us at the centre of the universe because we’re fabulous, yet often oblivious to how extremely arrogant and obtuse they are.. but after all, the religious often claim we are made in god’s image.

But, that was all in a time when humanity knew no better. There are currently three probes from Earth on and around Mars’ orbit looking for signs of life. Scientists are finding cures to diseases like cancer every day. People are getting nerve-controlled prosthetics, or nano-surgery within the brain..

Yet still there’s a vast number of people who believe absolute nonsense about the origin of the universe and all that’s within by thinking we were created by a god.

Billions have died in wars. Billions have died through illness and disease and this has all been deemed by their loving god as perfectly acceptable or else he’d have intervened and prevented suffering.

Children dying of cancer, or at the hands of a serial sex offender. Or thousands dying in disasters which happen within a natural world, but god has a plan they say so they ignorantly accept the suffering because it’s god’s will. . Only he knows why because he’s all-powerful god.

There was a time… and that time is nigh…

Apologetics: What’s the point?

Apologetics is derived from the Ancient Greek word ‘Apologia‘ (Απολογία) which means to defend, ‘apologíān poieîsthai’ (ᾰ̓πολογῐ́ᾱν ποιεῖσθαι) ‘to make a defence‘. Each person who reads this will have encountered an apologist at some point on Twitter and because they’re armed with religious scripture and faith they either believe they know the truth, or act completely disingenuously and attempt to refute what’s been proven by science. They hit a stumbling block instantly with their attempts to prove their chosen god as it falls flat against someone like me, a non-believer, who relies on evidence and proof to reach a conclusion and whilst I’m vehemently sceptical I’m not close-minded enough to reject proposals if they are argued using reason.

But this is sadly where they fail time and time again.

To use the argument that the universe was created and a creator must prove a god is ludicrous and frankly baffling, despite nothing whatsoever helping them reach that conclusion other than speculation, hearsay and blind belief. No rational person who uses reason, logic or even common sense could come to the conclusion that any gods exist due to the frail complexity of life, and the vastness and inhospitable universe we reside in. Everything points to naturalism.

Every god throughout history has needed a middle-man, or a prophet to spread the word and promote their said god’s word. If Allah is the creator of everything then surely he could speak on his own behalf, and this ridiculous notion that you must have faith and believe before he shows himself to you is the biggest scam in all of humanities history. Why did Allah need Muhammad to convert the gullible to Islam, and why did he leave it so late despite Judaism, and then Christianity making almost the same claims centuries before?

“Truth exists; only lies are invented” – Georges Braque

Let’s go back to the start and talk about truth. Truth is in accordance with facts and reality, and evidence alongside proof leads people to the truth. When people quote the Bible and make claims that it’s the truth, where exactly is the foundation of their claims? Because the Bible has hundreds of references to the alleged truth, how can anyone prove that anything written within its pages is credible? God and his worshippers allegedly say numerous times that god’s word is truth.

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” – John 4:24

But what exactly is truth within the Bible as parts of the Bible claim that god is kind and merciful, but other parts claim that god must be obeyed, worshipped and feared and whilst he’s a jealous god with wrath, he loves us all despite murdering or ordering the murder of countless lives. Which part it truth? He’s either a genocidal maniac or he’s a loving god, he cannot ever be both, and this is where apologists cherrypick what suits their narrative and if they are unable to defend their claims they always, without fail, claim that without faith we don’t, and cannot understand the words of the Bible, and we take everything out of context. Apologists are the lowest of the religious charlatans that plague the reality we live in and they are never, ever to be trusted and prey on the weak, easily influenced, gullible and people that are too simple-minded to think for themselves and to question.

God of the gaps

If *insert your favourite god here* created the universe then why is it expanding?

The expansion is so specific there’s a scientific law and formula that explains it.

V = Ho d

  • v = velocity of a galaxy, in km/s
  • Ho = Hubble Constant, measured in km/s/Mpc
  • d = distance of a galaxy, in Mpc

The ‘Hubble–Lemaître law’ shows that the objects are moving away from us with a velocity that’s proportionate to their distance, which means the further something is away from us, the faster the rate of expansion, and this has been observed by studying the ‘cosmological redshift’ (light emission) of the moving objects. Using the Hubble–Lemaître law, astrophysicists have accurately determined that the universe is 13.82 billion years old, and this points to a beginning or origin of the known universe.

There are two main theories which both involve a tremendous amount of dense energy and matter being violently released, causing a vast expansion of space almost instantly. The first is the ‘Primordial’ or ‘Primeval Atom’ theory which was proposed by ‘Georges Lemaître’ and that is the beginning was a ‘single quantum’ with the universe in an infinitely dense state. He suggested that if the universe is expanding then it must have been smaller in the past which leads to the conclusion; it must have had a starting point. The second is the ‘Initial Singularity’ which is similar in that the universe was infinite density and gravity and a tremendous release of energy and heat has been observed with the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background’ (CMB) radiation. It’s suggested by cosmologists that quantum fluctuations within the singularity allowed it to rapidly expand in a time known as ‘Planck epoch’, which is the beginning of time and space. Whilst these are both just theories, the science and mathematics both confirm the universe is expanding from a point of origin.

“The radius of space began at zero; the first stages of the expansion consisted of a rapid expansion determined by the mass of the initial atom, almost equal to the present mass of the universe.” – Georges Lemaître

Why did *insert your favourite god here* allow the most destructive force in the universe to exist; a ‘black hole’?

At the centre of a black hole is the ‘singularity‘, which is a point where everything we know about physics goes out of the window. In a singularity is an immense mass that’s crushed into a small space, where both gravity and density are apparently infinite. Once an object passes the ‘event horizon‘, nothing, not even light can escape. Within the singularity it’s considered that all of the mass and space time (three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time) of the universe was contained, and ‘Planck Epoch’ began. It’s difficult to imagine that all the energy and matter within the universe condensed into a tiny space, so whatever caused it to expand, it expanded with unimaginable force to escape the gravity of a black hole and expanded over a vast distance almost instantly at incredible speeds.

This puts God in an awkward position, as black holes certainly exist, and two were specifically studied. One, ‘Sagittarius A’, is located within our galaxy, the ‘Milky Way’, and the other is far away, ‘M87’, in the ‘Messier 87’ galaxy.

“M87* contains 6.5 billion solar masses. One solar mass is equivalent to the mass of our Sun, approximately 2×10^30 kilograms” – Source

So why would God create something so immense and with destructive power with no comparison? That’s because he didn’t, I know it, and many other people know it, but theists are so conditioned to accept God did it. There’s no reason why God would create black holes as they serve no purpose other than to destroy whatever is in their path.


If *insert your favourite god here* is all-knowing and loves us all unconditionally, then where is there so much unnecessary suffering?

If a supernatural being created everything we know then where’s the compassion if he loves us all? Theists will defend the actions or lack of by playing the old sin card. The very first humans disobeyed god so he punished every single person and animal since. He promised that every woman will go through painful labour during pregnancy. Regarding original sin, how exactly does this apply to animals that unnecessarily suffer, or children that live a brief, miserable existence as they die from an illness that despite continuous attempts, doctors cannot secure a cure. The ‘god works in mysterious ways‘ excuse is unacceptable considering the plethora of ways that humans and animals suffer around the world. Be it natural disasters, contaminated water, failed crops, and many painful diseases that destroy their victim without mercy. Why would a loving god create illnesses and diseases that are capable of destroying lives in such a cruel way?

“You can’t just say there is a god because the world is beautiful. You have to account for bone cancer in children.” -Stephen Fry


If *insert your favourite god here* exists then surely the objective evidence to support this would be them revealing themselves?

Many people are Christians and many of them believe some if not all that’s written in the Holy Bible, but it’s just a collection of religious texts amongst many who all make similar claims about creationism, yet none have any basis or evidence to support what’s written. Outside of those pages there’s no evidence of any scientific explanation being influenced by a god. Science is ruled by strict observations that’s extremely sceptical until evidence is repeatable and demonstrable. Evolution is a proven fact and because scientists can’t explain abiogenesis this doesn’t pave the way for the god of the gaps or make any argument in favour of creationism any more valid. Scientists can accurately date using several methods and are certain of not only the age of the Earth but all life shares the same genetic make up and all evolved from a universal common ancestor. Even if god was responsible but the first unicellular life and he programmed it to reproduce and adapt, it contradicts the Bible or the Qur’an. If god was responsible for evolution then the garden of Eden story is refuted, if evolution is denied then that’s purposefully and wilfully ignoring facts. Theists often say that a creation needs a creator but who created the creator? The answer that god always existed is nonsensical as what was he doing before he created the universe?

“You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really un-evolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. “I believe God created me in one day”. Yeah, looks like He rushed it ” – Bill Hicks

Why I identify as an anti-theist

I will start by saying that I don’t directly hate religion, I just have serious concerns that I can’t ignore and for these reasons I can only say that I’m opposed to organised religion as a whole; especially Abrahamic faiths and their multitude of schisms that have broken away and formed little mini-cults. They all allegedly believe in some form of creator, but that’s about where the agreement on interpretation of scripture ends. Some want Sharia Law; others want dominionism. The idea that a country can run on Islamic Law; or a Christian governed nation primarily influenced by the Bible to rule as a theocracy terrifies me

I know some people find comfort in dark times; or solace when they are feeling alone, and this isn’t where my issues lay. People can go to church, they can praise the Lord until their hearts are content, and as they drift off to sleep that night knowing that soon they’ll be meeting the sweet little baby Jesus in Heaven, the angels will watch them sleep and ward off any evil spirits.

My issue is when religion becomes life itself. Where every decision and every action has to involve god, be for god, or to control under the name of god. When scripture is drummed into a child from an early age and they’re taught never to question. Those people grow into adults and register on social media sites. They attempt to compose genuine arguments using scripture, their own personal subjective opinion of scripture whilst proposing an objective standard of morality, that usually regard the things that they personally deem worthy and moral. They accuse you of misunderstanding scripture if you mention rape, slavery or mass genocide within the pages of the Bible; but in the same moment accuse you of being immoral because you’ve not chosen the path to god. Some fully support the death penalty yet claim to be pro-life. Some claim to be part of a religion of peace but wish for the world to be run under a caliphate that’s extremely strict and extremely brutal in punishment. Some claim to live their lives by the gospels of Christ yet own a collection of hand guns that you’d have to rip from their cold dead hands to take them away.

They ignore proven science like the expanding universe that must have had a point of origin. They ignore the fact that the universe is incomprehensible in size but think that their god thought he’d find a tiny planet deep within some random galaxy and give it the kiss of life; and suddenly man is made in god’s image. Some go so far as to completely disregard evolution as nothing more than a pseudo-science and an atheist religion. Adam and Eve were the first humans and the Bible is the truth. So the remains of fossilised early humans that date back over three million years was just god having a laugh and playing tricks on us? Oh god, you’re so funny.

They sometimes propose a world wide flood that some really old dude had a huge wooden ship that went all around the world collecting every single species of animal; whilst making sure that he remembered where he’d got everything from so he could take them all back home. God was pretty pissed off and drowned everyone else who wasn’t on that ship. I’d hazard a guess that every occupant on that ship was Jewish, and they restarted the human race as we know it. Yet the current population of Jews is around the 0.2% of the world population. So not only did Jews evolve into new ethnicities in just a few thousand years, but created thousands of languages and cultures.

People genuinely believe this shit. This shit influences people’s lives. They see every hardship as god giving them strength when they should be saying ‘fuck you god, gimme a fucking break‘. People are prepared to let someone in their family die because a medical procedure is deemed unclean in some weird belief systems, or thinking it’s perfectly acceptable to genitally mutilate your offspring because of your faith, yet it happens. Others make extremely important decisions whilst in office that allows a god to influence their mindset that could affect millions of people; many who don’t even share the same faith. I’m so tired of reading that religion has the advantage over morality and ethics when it’s historically the root of most evils.

Is Earth destined for a post-apocalyptic or dystopian future?

At the turn of the last century; during the end of the First World War, or the affectionately titled, ‘Great War‘; in which millions died in trench warfare, the planet was hit with the ‘Spanish flu‘ and a third of the population became infected. 500 million people from a global population of approximately 1.5 billion became infected and unfortunately for 50 million people it was fatal. A hundred years on and we could potentially be in a similar predicament with ‘COVID-19’ on a rampage throughout the world; and just today there’s been 50 thousand new cases in the U.K. (but.. from recent videos I’ve seen the testing method is far from accurate, but that’s another story for another day). Yet this time the global population is closer to 8 billion.

I’m sure that you’ll agree that’s a massive increase in such a short time, and it makes you wonder what the population will be like in a hundred years if people aren’t living in a post-apocalyptic world, or some other awful dystopian existence. With there being so much hatred, intolerance and bigotry around it makes me genuinely worry for the future of humanity as we know it; and there are a few other concerns that are quite evidently against humanity as a collective:

• The arms race and the potential risk of nuclear destruction on an unprecedented scale.

• The environmental disaster that’s imminently coming that’s going to dramatically affect the planet’s climate and inhabitants and is going to cause massive upheaval and potential destruction as the ice melts.

• Religions gaining state theocracies and ruling under an iron fist.

• Technology is the backbone of modern society. It could also be our downfall.

• A potential catastrophic event like an asteroid collision with Earth which some historians think may have been responsible for the demise of the Dinosaur kingdom.

Nuclear devastation

Fortunately since World War II there’s been no devastation of the scale of what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 at the hand of America (with the consent of the U.K.) where hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed by two atomic bombs; Fat Man and Little Boy. Despite that potentially fuelling further actions, thankfully 76 years later, we haven’t experienced anything of that scale, but we are well aware that some world leaders could potentially change that. Notably Iran and North Korea are countries that could unleash nuclear devastation.

Environmental disaster

There are many people that are climate change deniers but the evidence far outweighs conspiracy theories or religious beliefs. The Earth has spent the majority of its 4.54 billion year existence in a state of greenhouse effect where the atmosphere has warned up and has been predominantly carbon dioxide, which acts as a shield keeping the heat in, and in between that several contrasting ice ages. The Earth has always gone through cycles so it’s no surprise that the atmosphere is warming up and glaciers are melting as this has happened before, but this time humans have played a significant role with the burning of fossil fuels and the release of gases from factories and industries. Within the next few centuries the Earth’s life will experience much upheaval and detrimental geographical changes.

Catastrophic event

A catastrophic potential event is called a existential risk, and this could range from bioterrorism, cyber terrorism, pandemic, nuclear war, super-volcanic activity, asteroid or meteor collision, earthquake, mega-tsunami, solar flare, coronal mass ejection (CME) (which is a plasma explosion from the Sun) or a plethora of other things that could lead to near-extinction to humanity or species of wildlife that could dramatically alter the equilibrium of the food chain. The future of our species has a level of uncertainty.

Everything came from nothing

”Atheists believe that everything came from nothing”

Is a straw man fallacy that I’ve read more times than I care to mention. It’s a presumption that being an atheist automatically makes you a believer in the ‘Big Bang’ which theists claim ‘everything came from nothing’.There are two major flaws in this argument.

The first is if the ‘Big Bang’ originated from an initial singularity, or the primeval atom like many astrophysicists suggest then that isn’t ‘nothing’. There was obviously quantum activity which was responsible for the fluctuations that initiated the massive release of energy.

The second is quantum physics states that there’s no such thing as ‘nothing’, as there is always something there even if it’s invisible to the human eye.

Because of quantum mechanics there is no such thing as a state of nothing as there are atoms, photons and neutrinos in the vacuum of space, along with dark matter and dark energy. In other words the blackness of space is littered with activity, and just because it can’t be seen doesn’t mean it’s not there. Black holes have been a tricky thing for scientists to capture images of, as against the blackness of space it would appear as though there’s nothing there. They only know they are there because of the destruction they cause.

I quote the BBC comedy Red Dwarf:

”Well, the thing about a black hole – its main distinguishing feature – is it’s black. And the thing about space, the colour of space, your basic space colour, is black. So how are you supposed to see them?”

Take an empty fridge for an example. To the naked human eye there’s nothing in it, and it means that an urgent trip to the grocery store is required. But in reality there are microscopic organisms, germs and bacteria. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean the space is empty.

In regards to the vacuum of space, and understanding that quantum mechanics means there’s activity wherever your scientific equipment is looking, it means that the idea of nothing is an impossibility. Take an empty, unused jar. It seems like there’s nothing there, but it contains the gases in our atmosphere and light particles. Even sealed in a vacuum environment, it still wouldn’t be without activity. So nothing, as a word describing an apparent void, is misleading.

If you’re interested, Here are the results of a 2015 experiment carried out to observe quantum fluctuations without damaging them, but be warned, this isn’t for the faint of heart. This is some complicated science.

Humanism and theism

Many Atheists, including myself, accept that the only true and fair way of leading an ethical life is through a secular society and Humanism. Many Theists believe that Humanism is evil, and think that it promotes homosexuality, abortion and transgender, and secularism is trying to destroy the church and take away alleged ‘Christian values‘. It irritates me when theists claim that secularism is anti-religion. What they fail to realise, or acknowledge is that secularism is a separation of church from politics. Religion, or lack of isn’t discriminated against, but also isn’t allowed to dominate. No one in society should have an advantage or disadvantage depending on their faith, belief or views and it actually protects religious freedom contrary to theists claiming it as an opposition. Imagine a world where Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Christians and Atheists could all live side by side, all equal with no one any more superior or inferior in society – well that is secularism.

The problem society faces though is selfishness, the selfishness of theism. They don’t want a secular society where everyone is equal, as they want their religion to be dominant; and many desire a theocracy. Christians, especially American Christians, are brainwashed into thinking that their country was founded by Christian standards, which is absolutely nonsensical. There’s much evidence to suggest that a large number of the founders that created the Constitution were Deists, and whilst they believe in a God, they don’t accept that he’s involved in anything since the creation. Muslims wish for countries to adopt Sharia Law, and there’s no way any Christian would agree to that. Could you imagine if the United States turned into a Muslim dominated country, how quickly would the Christians change direction about secularism?

Because of this, Humanism is the fairest, and most logical philosophy mankind can adhere to. Humanism puts humanity as paramount, and accept that this is the only life we have, and whilst we are here we should be compassionate and use empathy towards everyone. I’ve read many theists object to the philosophical stance of Humanism because it accepts that everyone should have a voice, and be free to be an individual. They don’t like the idea that people can live moral and ethical lives despite being in a same-sex relationship. They can’t accept that if you don’t put a god before humanity you’re unable to live a life with standards or morals. They misinterpret Humanist’s general position on abortion, and assisted dying, as they believe it’s about promotion, whereas in reality it’s giving an individual freedom of choice.

The main issue in my opinion is the contempt towards the idea of liberalism, as for some unknown reason it makes them foam at the mouth, and many loathe the concept of equality. Liberalism includes the promotion of civil rights, human rights, democracy, secularism, gender and sexual equality, racial equality, freedom of speech, and finally freedom of religion. I fail to understand why theists object to liberalism, and suggest that it’s a mental disorder. Liberalism is responsible for the creation of trial by jury, an adversarial system of justice where someone standing trial is entitled to a defence and the prosecutor is required to provide evidence, the civil rights movement, same-sex marriage, freedom of speech, right to education, and common suffrage.

“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” – Jesus

The above sentence is perhaps one of the most well known Biblical quotes, and sums up perfectly what a Christian should be. But this isn’t always the case, and bigotry is extremely rampant in the modern Christian world. They don’t like the fact that homosexuality and transgender have gained equality, they are still your neighbour though, regardless of what they do in the privacy of their homes. Everything regarding gender is so black and white with many theists who claim there are only two genders; male and female. They wilfully choose to ignore intersex (born with both reproductive organsor a combination of various sexual organs), and claim that transsexual people suffer from mental illness, which is a disgusting, ignorant opinion to have, yet the theist society think they understand ethics and morality. Instead of being embarrassed about their wilful ignorance, they are proud and content thinking their outlook on life is acceptable in the modern world we live in.

God: A Divine Megalomaniac

The word ‘divine‘ is born from Latin, which originates from ‘divina‘ that means ‘pertaining to a God‘, but it’s common modern definition in today’s world is a supernatural deity, which is considered Holy. ‘Megalomania‘ has its origin in Greek, and is two words combined. ‘Megalo‘ (μεγαλο) meaning ‘great‘, and ‘mania‘ (μανία) meaning ‘frenzy‘. It’s common modern definition means is someone who has a strong desire for greatness, and is obsessed with power and the need to be acknowledged for their greatness. One of the many symptoms of a megalomaniac is portraying an unfounded sense of entitlement and requiring constant, excessive worship and admiration. Does this sound like anyone you know?

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.  You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” – Exodus 20:2-6

Just imagine having all the power that the alleged God has, and deciding to curse ‘Eve’ because she was led astray by the serpent. Because of her one mistake he punished every future mother with pain of childbirth. Yet, God loves all of his children.

“I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children” – Genesis 3:16

One of god’s most valued friends was ‘Moses‘, who he trusted with the Ten Commandments, so why did God seek to kill him? And why did the sight of Moses’ son, ‘Gershom‘, being brutally circumcised by his mother, ‘Zipporah‘, calm God down? By anyone’s standards, this isn’t rational behaviour.

“And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at hisfeet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision.” (Exodus 4:21-26, KJV)

What is God’s obsession with punishing the innocent? Especially sentient life that has no accountability, like children and animals? Why did God feel the need to command the butchering of babies and animals because the ‘Amalekites‘ were enemies of Israel? How is genocide of a whole nation ethical?

“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” – Samuel 1:15

This isn’t the only time that God has desired the death of the innocent, and perhaps the most well known act of cruelness was when he decided to flood the Earth and kill everything that wasn’t on ‘Noah’s ARK. His reason for destroying all flesh was violence, as he claims that his creation, mankind, is evil from childhood. And he regretted his creation. Yet isn’t god supposed to be ‘omniscient‘, so wouldn’t he know when he created mankind how they’d turn out? But he’s God, the bringer of life, so why didn’t he uncreate humanity, why did innocent animals have to perish?

“The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth.” – Genesis 7:18

God encourages the murder of children and pregnant women on a number of occasions. The Bible mentions ‘Samaria‘ that was a region of Israel that the Israelites captured from ‘Canaanites‘, and were condemned by Hebrew Rabbi for their pagan riches.

“Samaria is held guilty, For she has rebelled against her God. They shall fall by the sword, Their infants shall be dashed in pieces, And their women with child ripped open.” – Hosea 13:16

Apologists will claim that what I’ve presented will have been taken out of context, but murdering children and pregnant women because he’s a jealous God cannot be taken out of context, and neither can the mass genocide of the majority of life on Earth in the flood. God is a cruel, vicious, barbaric monster if the Old Testament is anything to go by. He’s no more than a spoiled brat who burns his ant colony with a magnifying glass, and pulls the legs off spiders.

The God of the Bible is so pro-life that he advocates abortion.

“here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.” Numbers 5: 21

And here he is murdering the new born of both humankind and cattle.

“For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.” – Exodus 12:29

And if you need any more evidence that God is a vile, childlike, spoiled brat, then look no further than Leviticus.

“Punishment for Disobedience

But if you will not listen to me and will not do all these commandments, if you spurn my statutes, and if your soul abhors my rules, so that you will not do all my commandments, but break my covenant, then I will do this to you: I will visit you with panic, with wasting disease and fever that consume the eyes and make the heart ache. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set my face against you, and you shall be struck down before your enemies. Those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when none pursues you.

And if in spite of this you will not listen to me, then I will discipline you again xsevenfold for your sins, and I will break ythe pride of your power, and I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze. And ayour strength shall be spent in vain, for byour land shall not yield its increase, and the trees of the land shall not yield their fruit.

Then if you walk contrary to me and will not listen to me, I will continue striking you, sevenfold for your sins. I will let loose the wild beasts against you, which shall bereave you of your children and destroy your livestock and make you few in number, so that eyour roads shall be deserted.

And if by this discipline you are not turned to me cbut walk contrary to me, then I also will walk contrary to you, and I myself will strike you sevenfold for your sins. And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall execute vengeance for the covenant. And if you gather within your cities, iI will send pestilence among you, and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy. When I break your supply of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in a single oven and shall dole out your bread again by weight, and you shall eat and not be satisfied.

But if in spite of this you will not listen to me, but walk contrary to me, then I will walk contrary to you min fury, and I myself will discipline you sevenfold for your sins. You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters. And I will destroy your high places and cut down your incense altars and cast your dead bodies upon the dead bodies of your idols, and my soul will abhor you. And I will lay your cities waste and will make your sanctuaries desolate, and I will not smell your pleasing aromas. And I myself will devastate the land, so that your enemies who settle in it shall be uappalled at it. And I will scatter you among the nations, and I will unsheathe the sword after you, and your land shall be a desolation, and your cities shall be a waste.” – Leviticus 14:33

The altar of ignorance

The Oxford dictionary defines ‘faith‘ as complete trust and confidence in something, so going by that definition there’s no room for manoeuvre, as it’s unlikely that a mind will be changed even if presented with definitive evidence. The Oxford dictionary describes ‘religious faith‘ as strong belief and conviction in the doctrines of religion based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. Christian theologists often define faith as divine trust in God and Jesus Christ, so even from a theistic perspective it’s without any evidence. To rely on faith, and the stories written in the ‘Bible‘ and ‘Qur’an‘ as evidence for scientific explanations for the first cause, or historical fact is no more than completely absurd.

“Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of Nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being.” – Albert Einstein

When theists claim that science continues to prove the existence of their God, all it proves is their inability to reason and look at things rationally. As a perfect example take the Old Testament. God was everywhere and you couldn’t get rid of him. He got involved in everything and influenced many happenings, yet it only happened in a small location in the world, The Levant. Why didn’t he interact with any other area of the world where people worshipped other Gods?

Ignorance‘ is defined as a lack of awareness, or believing a rumour that has no basis in reality ie: God created the Universe because a book written thousands of years ago says so, despite no one being there to witness his creation, and no physical evidence has ever been discovered. It’s ignorant to take the words of the Bible as gods because it’s been claimed through many generations to be true. Faith is a glorification of ignorance as even when presented with facts, they still refuse to believe because it goes against the teachings of their religion, which is extremely worrying when the majority of people on the planet have some form of faith. Take ‘evolution‘ – theists claim that if you accept evolution then you’re part of the religion of ‘Darwinism‘. Evolution has an abundance of evidence, and natural selection is evident in such things as humans becoming immune to antibiotics., or scientists struggling to create a reliable vaccine for COVID-19. As Darwin said ‘It is the one most adaptable to change‘ that will survive.

What many theists fail to understand, even after having it relentlessly explained is the meaning of the ‘theory of evolution‘. They instantly assume that a theory is just a theory and has no basis, and even after telling them that scientists don’t use the word theory that way, they still refuse to acknowledge or accept its definition. The National Academy of Sciences explains a scientific theory as follows.

“a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses”

Evolution is a proven fact but the theory of how it happened has movement the more scientists understand. Theists can’t help themselves when they attempt to mock that which they remain unknowledgeable about. The ‘why are there still monkeys?’ is such lazy thinking as scientists claim that we have a universal common ancestor, and all life shares a genetic heritage and has descended from one species, that’s more than likely a uni-cellular life form that’s mutated and evolved into more complex structure through natural selection.

“There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works” – Stephen Hawking

The biggest issue we face as a civilised society is ‘religious tolerance‘, as if anyone stands up to it, they are accused of hateful conduct. Religion is wrongfully protected, and should be heavily criticised when it gets in the way of scientific progress, especially in the field of medicine. Religion involves and concerns the spiritual and supernatural and that’s where it should stay. It has no place attempting interfere with science and the natural world. Science doesn’t attempt to prove or disprove religion, so religion shouldn’t attempt to disprove science. Both are very different areas and are entirely exclusive. Science isn’t compatible with religion, as the scientific method involves observation, and repeatable experimentation in an attempt to reach a conclusion. Theists can be scientists, there’s no dispute from me there, but they cannot ever include their beliefs in their research as then their science is invalid. ‘Sir Francis Bacon‘ was able to separate the two when he created what’s known as the ‘scientific method‘, despite being an Anglican, but others claim that he became irreligious, but that’s another story.

The problem with many non-scientist theists is they don’t have the mental capability or the courage to accept that science and religion cannot be inclusive. So because of this you’ve got people like Ken Ham, who gives the illusion that he’s an intelligent man, but promotes young creationism, and despite looking like an Ape, he denies that humans are Great Apes. He claims that evolution is a pseudoscience and Jesus rode a Brontosaurus to work.

“According to the Bible, humans and dinosaurs originally lived at the same time; they were not separated by millions of years. There are many biblical and extrabiblical clues that humans continued to have first-hand knowledge of dinosaurs after the Flood. ” – Answers in Genesis

This is exactly why creationism is a deliberate attempt to misinform and create a false narrative, and basically suggests that palaeontology is a pseudoscience. Dating methods have come a long way in recent years, and index fossils are used in some cases, and radiometric dating in others.

“The atoms in some chemical elements have different forms, called isotopes. These isotopes break down at a constant rate over time through radioactive decay. By measuring the ratio of the amount of the original (parent) isotope to the amount of the (daughter) isotopes that it breaks down into an age can be determined. ” – Fossil Era

Ken Ham and his army of degenerates think that people who study science, accept evolution and think the universe is billions of years old have a secularist ideology, so how exactly can anything they say be taken seriously when they don’t even know that all secularism involves is the separation of religion from government. What exactly has that got to do with the age of the universe? Young Earth creationists believe that Genesis is the literal word of God, but how can God be so confused about the alleged facts about creation? The errors are constant yet people like Ken Ham believe it’s every word and vehemently defend it.

Genesis 1 gives the order of creation as plants, animals, man and woman. Genesis 2 gives it as man, plants, animals and woman. Genesis 1:3-5 says light was created on the first day, Genesis 1:14-19 says the sun was created on the fourth. Genesis 7:2 says Noah took seven pairs of each beast, Genesis 7:8-15 says one pair.” – New Scientist

This is where the art of cherry picking comes into play, or non-creationists are taking the scriptures out of context, or just don’t have the mental ability to understand what is written. I’ve seen apologists attempt to defend the inaccuracies, inconsistencies and errors, time and time again where it’s gotten to the point where it’s predictable what they’re going to say.

This article perfectly highlights how the ignorant, irrational, unreasonable, illogical viewpoint that young Earth creationism holds and maintains. The only evidence they have to cling to are words from a book that’s been lost in translation, and the author of he article hasn’t even referenced which version of the Bible they’ve quoted, as we all know there are multiple versions of the Bible, some with drastically different translations that can completely change the context of a passage.

A branch of Creationism is intelligent design, but theologists tend to refrain from mentioning God or the Bible and make it seem like a genuine scientific hypothesis, but is fraudulent and has been challenged by the courts as pseudoscience. United States District Judge, ‘John Edward Jones II’ announced in court that Intelligent Design went against the establishment clause in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which meant that it wasn’t allowed to be taught in schools as an alternative to biology classes and lectures. He received death threats for this decision. How very Christian.

“God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.” – Genesis 1 29:30

One of the claims from Genesis is all life at the beginning was initially vegetarian, and I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s very vague, which must mean there were no predators, so if this is true, why are there now many species of predatory animals, reptiles, fish and birds? As you can see with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it has teeth made for one purpose, and one purpose only.

Killing and tearing flesh.

If it was a vegetarian like Ken Ham suggests, then why is it built to hunt its prey? Despite it reaching heights of forty feet and weighing up to nine tons, it was a formidable sprinter, and scientists claim it may have been able to reach speeds of up to 25 miles per hour. How exactly would Noah have been able to control, house, sanitise and feed such a large animal?

“T. rex had a mouth full of serrated teeth; the largest tooth of any carnivorous dinosaur ever found was 12 inches (30 centimeters) long. But not all of the dinosaur’s teeth served the same function, according to a 2012 study in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Specifically, the dinosaur’s front teeth gripped and pulled; its side teeth tore flesh, and its back teeth diced chunks of meat and forced food into the throat. Importantly, T. rex’s teeth were wide and somewhat dull (rather than being flat and daggerlike), allowing the teeth to withstand the forces exerted by struggling prey, the study found.” – Live Science

So what’s the deal with Creationism, when science clearly contradicts it at every turn? What must be going through your head to believe that book if Genesis is the absolute truth regarding the history of the universe? Catholics and Protestants going as far back as Saint Augustine have always maintained that not all of the Bible can be taken literally, and much of it is metaphorically speaking, and is worded in such a way as to get a message across to the reader. So why are there people like Ken Ham, who claim to be devout fundamentalists, but have turned Answers in Genesis into a business opportunity. I’ve always claimed that Ham and his cronies are disingenuous, and have literally cornered a market aimed at indoctrinated Americans to feed his bank account.

Capitalism vs. Socialism

To sum both ideologies up in the simplest of terms; capitalism is a political and economic method where industries and businesses are privately owned and depending on the market’s requirements, things are often made to demand so that companies can run a profitable and organised business to offer trade and employment opportunities; whereas socialism is a social and political method in which private ownership is replaced by co-operative community ownership. They believe that everyone lives to co-operate and contribute towards the communal good, so all should seek reward for their work. Socialists say that their social organisation promotes equality and job protection as the workers work for requirement, not for profit. Karl Marx made the following quote famous in 1875:

“Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen”

Which in English translates to:

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

Many argue that capitalism isn’t good as the rich get richer, and once big conglomerates secure an area of the market they dominate and put smaller companies in danger, and workers are exploited. Others argue that communism and socialism is the root of all evil and you just have to look at the aftermath of the October revolution in Russia; or the Great Leap Forward in China that let to droughts and famines and many millions lost their lives; or were ritually slaughtered; died from poor treatment during forced labour; or executed for rebelling against the government as they starved to death. There are stories of mass suicides and acts of cannibalism in both Russia and China as the government watched on.

But does this mean that socialism is a bad ideology, or has it been a tool for cruel dictatorships?

“Capitalism does not permit an even flow of economic resources. With this system, a small privileged few are rich beyond conscience, and almost all others are doomed to be poor at some level. That’s the way the system works. And since we know that the system will not change the rules, we are going to have to change the system.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

According to Forbes, Jeff Bezos in August 2020 exceeded a $200,000,000,000 fortune, and Elon Musk is slightly in his shadow with a mere $153,000,000,000 fortune, but because of capitalism they legally, yet unethically, pay their employees minimum wage that’s set out as a government employment rule. The rich get richer, the elite get more powerful and the rest of us try and get by, not even knowing that indirectly we might be working for one of these moguls. I understand that both are talented entrepreneurs, and Elon Musk has his scientific mind, and that they both worked hard to achieve and become extremely wealthy and successful, but because of capitalism, they can bully other companies, push them out of the way with lawsuits, and cover all of the bases like Apple have tried to do by turning the brand into a fashion accessory, and with clever marketing and slick designs they’ve become the biggest phone maker in the world and in August they exceeded a $2 trillion net worth. Do you think the people who work in the warehouses or drive the vehicles are going to be paid favourably because the company they’re employed by is so profitable?

So is capitalism a better alternative to socialism, or does it promote greed and inequality?

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill